Chat and Travel: Basic Italian Phrases for Beginners

Grover Laughton4 min
Created: Dec 25, 2024Last updated: Jan 13, 2025
Basic Italian Phrases

Melodic, diverse, passionate – this is all about Italian. Its pronunciation and harmony distinguish this language, so its fans increase yearly. Italy is an excellent place for a short trip or a slow and relaxing vacation. Want to get closer to this culture? Today, we will talk about basic Italian phrases and how to pronounce them correctly.

Key Italian Phrases for Travelers and Tourists

It is no secret that Italy is the best spot for various travels. Mountain hiking, beach holidays, coastal cruises, visiting cultural attractions, and fashion tourism. Basic vocabulary will become your primary assistant. Here are the basic Italian phrases for travel that you need to know:

Buongiornobwohn-jor-nohGood morning / Good day
Buonaserabwohn-ah-seh-rahGood evening
Graziegrah-tsyehThank you
Pregopreh-gohYou're welcome
Per favorepehr fah-voh-rehPlease
Quanto costa?kwahn-toh koh-stahHow much does it cost?
Un tavolo per due, per favoreoon tah-voh-loh pehr doo-eh, pehr fah-voh-rehA table for two, please
Posso avere…?pohs-soh ah-veh-reh…?Can I have…?
L'addizione, per favorelah-dee-tsyoh-neh pehr fah-voh-rehThe check, please
Il cibo è delizioso!eel chee-boh eh deh-lee-tsyoh-zohThe food is delicious!
C'è un ospedale qui vicino?cheh oon ohs-peh-dah-leh kwee vee-chee-noh?Is there a hospital nearby?

Of course, these phrases do not guarantee you a full-fledged dialogue with Italians. However, you can always show your respect for the local culture or ask for help with introductory phrases.

Mastering the Basics: Basic Phrases in Italian

The mini-dictionary for traveling is already done. It's time for step number two! You can expand your conversational skills by adding new phrases, idioms, or expressions. Of course, different levels of language proficiency imply a more advanced vocabulary. But first thing first:

Come stai?koh-meh stah-ee?How are you? (informal)
Bene, graziebeh-neh grah-tsyehGood, thank you
Piacerepyah-cheh-rehNice to meet you
Posso aiutarti?pohs-soh ah-yoo-tar-tee?Can I help you?
Da dove vieni?dah doh-veh vyeh-nee?Where are you from?
Sono di…soh-noh dee…I'm from…
Quanto tempo ci vuole per arrivare?kwahn-toh tehm-poh chee vwoh-leh pehr ah-ree-vah-reh?How long does it take to get there?
Posso pagare con la carta?pohs-soh pah-gah-reh kohn lah kahr-tah?Can I pay by card?
Sto cercando…stoh chehr-kahn-doh…I'm looking for…
Mi porti qui, per favoremee pohr-tee kwee pehr fah-voh-rehTake me here, please
Questo è perfettokwehs-toh eh pehr-fet-tohThis is perfect
C'è un bancomat qui vicino?cheh oon bahn-koh-maht kwee vee-chee-noh?Is there an ATM nearby?

Locals hardly distinguish between "formal" and "informal" communication styles, so you can use Italian basic phrases in any setting. Listen to your interlocutor's responses, terms, or proverbs to distinguish familiar words and learn more.


Practical Italian: Must-Know Phrases for Your Trip

We have already looked at the essential phrases for beginners. But what is the difference between a traveler's vocabulary and the vocabulary of someone learning Italian? It is in the practicality of the words and terms used. If your goal is to reach a certain level, you must be able to read, write, know grammar, and develop your vocabulary. Italian for traveling should be as functional as possible with abundant active phrases, greetings, or questions. Let's look at a few of them:

  • Scusi, c'è un supermercato qui vicino? (skoo-zee, cheh oon soo-pehr-mehr-kah-toh kwee vee-chee-noh?) – Excuse me, is there a supermarket nearby?
  • Potrei avere un bicchiere d'acqua, per favore? (poh-trey ah-veh-reh oon bee-kyeh-reh dah-kwa pehr fah-voh-reh?) – Could I have a glass of water, please?
  • Quanto costa il biglietto per il treno? (kwahn-toh koh-stah eel bee-lyet-toh pehr eel treh-noh?) – How much is the ticket for the train?
  • Può portarmi all'aeroporto? (pwoh pohr-tahr-mee ahl-ah-eh-roh-por-toh?) – Can you take me to the airport?
  • C'è un buon ristorante nelle vicinanze? (cheh oon bwohn ree-stoh-rahn-teh nehl-leh vee-chee-nahn-tseh?) – Is there a good restaurant nearby?
  • A che ora parte l'autobus? (ah keh oh-rah pahr-teh lau-toh-boos?) – What time does the bus leave?
  • Cosa consiglia da mangiare? (koh-zah kohn-see-lyah dah mahn-jah-reh?) – What do you recommend to eat?
  • Mi scusi, quanto tempo ci vuole per arrivare a Roma? (mee skoo-zee, kwahn-toh tehm-poh chee vwoh-leh pehr ah-ree-vah-reh ah roh-mah?) – Excuse me, how long does it take to get to Rome?

These basic Italian phrases for tourists are crucial: your leading communications will be with waiters, hotel workers, or strangers on the street. Keep this vocabulary in mind, stop worrying about the language barrier, and enjoy your journeys instead!

Travel More Comfortably With Promova

Starting to speak a new language can be the most challenging stage. Do you want to confidently use the words you've learned and improve your skills? Promova will help you! This is a one-stop solution for anyone who wants to learn a language using the latest methods:

  • Flexibility. Use your time and take lessons from your smartphone anywhere in the world.
  • Interactivity. A system of quizzes, tests, and a game-based learning experience will help you study the material and have fun.
  • Versatility. Improve your reading and grammar, choose interesting topics, and track your progress!

Promova offers Italian, English, Chinese, Spanish, and other languages ​​to learn. English enthusiasts can take group and individual lessons with a tutor and attend the free Conversation Club!


Italy and tourism are inseparable concepts. Italians are friendly, cheerful, and exciting people with whom it is pleasant to communicate. Use this opportunity to improve your knowledge of the language and buon viaggio!
