Buses vs Busses
What’s the difference between them?

Buses (plural of bus): A large motor vehicle designed to carry passengers, typically along a fixed route, with multiple stops.
1. The city buses run frequently throughout the day.
2. Today I rode the bus to school.
3. The bus schedule is posted on the wall.
Common misspelling of 'buses.'
no examples
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
1. Public transport
2. Coaches
3. Motor coaches
4. Transit vehicles
5. Mass transit
1. Cars
2. Trains
3. Planes
4. Walking
5. Driving
This word doesn't exist, so there are no synonyms for it.
This word doesn't exist, so there are no antonyms for it.
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Buses", "Busses".

1, Use mnemonic phrase: 'Bus for many, buss for no one.'
2. Remember that buses is the most commonly used spelling and is used to refer to a large vehicle, usually for public transportation.
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Frequently asked questions
In what situations should the first word be used?
The word 'bus' should be used when referring to a single vehicle used for public transportation, such as a coach, motor coach, or trolley bus.
When is the appropriate context for using the second word?
The word 'busses' should be avoided since it's the wrong spelling of 'buses.'
Do the two words share the same pronunciation?
The two words are pronounced the same.
What are some common mistakes people make when using these words?
One common mistake people make when using the words 'bus' and 'busses' is confusing them when writing. People often accidentally write 'busses' when they mean 'bus.'
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. I take the ____ to school every day.
2. I didnt know the difference between ____ and coaches.
3. There were lots of ____ parked outside the station.
4. I had to wait for the next ____ to arrive.
5. My friend drove a ____ to our meeting.
6. I saw a double-decker ____ driving down the street.
1. I take the buses to school every day.
Explanation: The correct word to fill the gap is buses. This is because it is the most commonly used plural form of the word bus, which is a large vehicle used to transport people from one place to another.
2. I didnt know the difference between buses and coaches.
Explanation: The correct word to fill the gap is buses. Coaches are larger vehicles typically used for long-distance travel, so it is important to understand the differences between the two.
3. There were lots of buses parked outside the station.
Explanation: The correct word to fill the gap is buses. This is because it is the most commonly used plural form of the word bus, which is a large vehicle used to transport people from one place to another.
4. I had to wait for the next bus to arrive.
Explanation: The correct word to fill the gap is bus. This is because it is the singular form of the word buses, which is the plural form of the word bus.
5. My friend drove a bus to our meeting.
Explanation: The correct word to fill the gap is bus. This is because it is the singular form of the word buses, which is the plural form of the word bus.
6. I saw a double-decker bus driving down the street.
Explanation: The correct word to fill the gap is bus. This is because it is the singular form of the word buses, which is the plural form of the word bus. A double-decker bus is a type of bus with two levels of seating, so it is important to use the singular form of the word here.
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