Dwarfs vs Dwarves
What’s the difference between them?

plural of dwarf (a person who is much below the ordinary stature or size)
1. The seven dwarfs lived in a small cottage in the forest.
2. In a galaxy far, far away, a civilization of dwarfs reigned over a peaceful kingdom.
3. Snow White and the seven dwarfs was a classic children's story.
plural of dwarf (a person who is much below the ordinary stature or size)
1. The dwarves worked diligently to build the bridge.
2. Many dwarves live in the deep, dark caves of the mountain.
3. The dwarves held a secret meeting in the forest.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
1. Gnomes
2. Hobbits
3. Midgets
4. Little People
5. Small Folk
1. Giants
2. Colossuses
3. Behemoths
4. Titans
5. Enhance/Increase
1. Gnomes
2. Hobbits
3. Midgets
4. Little People
5. Small Folk
1. Giants
2. Titans
3. Behemoths
4. Monsters
5. Grow tall/Increase in size
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Dwarfs", "Dwarves".

1. Both words are correct spellings of plural for 'dwarf.'
2. Before only 'dwarfs' was correct, but later 'dwarves' spelling was popularized thanks to famous author John Tolkien.
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Frequently asked questions
In what situations should the first word be used?
The word 'dwarfs' is typically used to describe a race of small, mythical creatures with supernatural abilities in stories and fiction.
When is the appropriate context for using the second word?
The word 'dwarves' is most often used as a plural form of the word 'dwarf' to describe a group of small people. It is also occasionally used as a singular form to describe a single individual.
Do the two words share the same pronunciation?
Yes, both words are pronounced the same way.
What are some common mistakes people make when using these words?
Both words may be used interchangeably, so there are no common mistakes.
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. The __________ had to build their own underground kingdom after they were banished from the surface.
2. The __________ were so small that they had to use special tools and machinery to complete their task.
3. Tolkiens novels often feature __________ as characters, depicted with great strength and intelligence.
4. The __________ were a hardworking group, famous for their skill in metalworking and gemcutting.
5. Snow White was surrounded by seven kindly __________ in the classic fairytale.
6. In Norse mythology, the __________ are known to be great craftsmen, responsible for creating many of the gods weapons.
1. Dwarves
Explanation: Dwarves is the correct plural form of the word dwarf, which refers to a creature or being in European folklore typically depicted as a small humanoid being in traditional stories and fairy tales.
2. Dwarves
Explanation: As this sentence is referring to the small size of the creatures, dwarves is the appropriate plural form of the word dwarf.
3. Dwarves
Explanation: Dwarves is the correct plural form of the word dwarf, which is the creature often featured in Tolkiens novels.
4. Dwarves
Explanation: Dwarves is the correct plural form of the word dwarf, which refers to the small creatures in European folklore. As this sentence is referring to the creatures hardworking characteristic, dwarves is the correct word choice.
5. Dwarfs
Explanation: Dwarfs is the correct plural form of the word dwarf when it is referring to fairytales and fantasy stories.
6. Dwarves
Explanation: Dwarves is the correct plural form of the word dwarf, which is the creature in Norse mythology. As this sentence is referring to the creatures crafting skills, dwarves is the correct word choice.
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