Favor vs Favour
What’s the difference between them?

Favor is an act of kindness or approval. It can also refer to a preferential treatment or a gift given out of kindness.
1. She did him a favor by offering to help.
2. Could I ask a favor of you?
3. The teacher showed favoritism towards her best student.
Meaning is the same, but such spelling is mostly used in British English.
1. He was rewarded with the favour of the king.
2. She did me a great favour by helping me with my project.
3. I asked him to do me a favour and lend me some money.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Favor", "Favour".

1. Favor is the American spelling.
2. Favour is the British spelling.
3. Remember to take 'u' for British spelling.
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Frequently asked questions
When to use the first word 'Favor'?
Favor is the American English spelling of the word, so it should be used mainly in American English contexts. It is typically used as a verb meaning to show support for, or to grant a special liking or preference to someone. For example, 'he favors his daughter over his son' or 'the court favors the plaintiff'.
When to use the second word 'Favour'?
Favour is the British English spelling of the word, so it should be used mainly in British English contexts. Like favor, it is typically used as a verb meaning to show support for, or to grant a special liking or preference to someone. For example, 'she has done him a great favour by introducing him to her contacts' or 'they extended a favour to the new employee by giving her a bonus'.
Do the words have the same pronunciation?
Yes, the words have the same pronunciation. Both favor and favour are pronounced with the same emphasis on the letters 'a' and 'u'. So, it is /ˈfeɪvər/ or /ˈfeɪvə/.
What are common mistakes associated with the words 'Favor' and 'Favour'?
The most common mistake associated with the words is using the incorrect spelling. Since favor is preferred in American English contexts and favour is preferred in British English contexts, it is important to be aware of which spelling is correct for the context. Another mistake is confusing the noun with the verb form. Favor and favour can both be used as nouns, but their verb forms are spelled differently. So, make sure to use the correct verb form when speaking or writing.
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. Could you do me a ____ and pass the salt?
2. In the UK, its customary to ask someone if they need any ____s before leaving the shop.
3. During the presidential campaign, the opinion polls showed a clear ____ for the incumbent.
4. My aunt always sends me a small gift as a ____ for my birthday.
5. Its not in his ____ to decline an invitation to a party.
6. The manager asked the employees if they had any ____s regarding the new schedule.
1. favor/favour
Explanation: There is no specific regional clue in this sentence, so both the American English variant favor and the British English variant favour are acceptable.
2. favours
Explanation: The clue In the UK indicates British English, so favour is the correct spelling here.
3. favor
Explanation: The phrase presidential campaign suggests an American context, making favor the appropriate choice.
4. favour
Explanation: Without a direct clue, this sentence leans British because a favour for my birthday is a more common phrasing in the UK. In American English, the expression would more likely be a gift as a favor for my birthday.
5. favor/favour
Explanation: Theres no specific regional clue in this sentence, so both favor and favour are acceptable.
6. favors/favours
Explanation: This sentence does not have a clear regional clue, so both American favors and British favours can be used.
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