No Later Than vs No Later Then
What’s the difference between them?

No Later Than
No Later Than means that something must occur or be done before the specified time.
1. Please submit your application no later than Friday.
2. The deadline for the project is no later than next Tuesday.
3. Payments must be received no later than the 1st of the month.
No Later Then
Incorrect usage of the phrase “no later than.”
no examples
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
No Later Than
before a set time
There are no direct antonyms for this word.
No Later Then
This word doesn't exist, so there are no synonyms for it.
This word doesn't exist, so there are no antonyms for it.
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "No Later Than", "No Later Then".

1. No Later Than is the correct form of the phrase. The words should always be used together, and the word 'than' should be used to link the two words.
2. A mnemonic to remember the phrase is: 'No Later Then is Never Right.' The alliteration of 'No Later Then' makes it easier to remember the correct usage of the phrase.
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Frequently asked questions
When to use the first word, 'No Later Than'?
The phrase 'no later than' is used to indicate a time limit or deadline. For example, you might say 'We need to submit the application no later than Monday, June 1st.' This implies that the application must be submitted on or before the given date.
When to use the second word, 'No Later Then'?
The phrase 'no later then' is a common mistake which should be avoided. The correct phrase is 'no later than'.
Do the words have the same pronunciation?
Yes, these words have similar pronunciation, so you have pay attention to using the correct word 'than' in this phrase.
What are common mistakes associated with words 'No Later Than' and 'No Later Then'?
The most common mistake is confusing the two phrases. 'No later than' is the correct phrase, while 'no later then' is not. Other mistakes include mis-pronouncing the phrase or using it when it is not appropriate. For example, using 'no later than' to describe a past event would be incorrect.
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. We need to have this project completed __ no later than Friday.
2. The deadline to submit the assignment is __ no later than 5pm.
3. If you dont finish the task by the specified date, it will not be accepted __ no later then the due date.
4. You must have your report finished __ no later than the end of the week.
5. Please submit your work __ no later than the deadline.
6. We must have the assignment in by Monday __ no later then the day before.
1. No later than.
Explanation: The correct phrase to use here is no later than, as this phrase is used when setting a deadline.
2. No later than.
Explanation: The correct phrase to use here is no later than, as this phrase is used when setting a deadline.
3. No later than.
Explanation: The correct phrase to use here is no later than, as this phrase is used when setting a deadline.
4. No later than.
Explanation: The correct phrase to use here is no later than, as this phrase is used when setting a deadline.
5. No later than.
Explanation: The correct phrase to use here is no later than, as this phrase is used when setting a deadline.
6. No later than.
Explanation: The correct phrase to use here is no later than, as this phrase is used when setting a deadline.
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